Welcome to our dental practice!
David A. Woody, DDS, and staff are dedicated to quality care and friendly service. Providing both general and cosmetic dentistry, this family oriented practice makes patient comfort a priority.

Dr. Woody has invested in the latest dental technology including intraoral cameras and interactive DVD systems, lasers to help diagnose decay, and Air Abrasion to remove decay without the need for numbing and drilling. A state-of-the-art sterilization system provides for your safety.

Recent cosmetic innovations make it possible for everyone to improve their smile. We offer tooth colored fillings, natural appearing crowns and bridges, and beautiful porcelain veneers that mask worn teeth, close spaces and balance smiles without braces. The new ZOOM! system, as seen on Extreme Makevoer, whitens teeth in one visit. Professional home whitening kits are also available.

Call for your complimentary cosmetic consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile of your dreams!